Project KW Süd

The NV-EnerTech team supports the KW Süd project with the use of a boiler operator. Current projects / references 👉https: //
Expansion of the automation technology area

Severin Marquard joins the management of NV-EnerTech Consultant & Engineering GmbH & Co. KG
His brother Michel Marquard already works for the family business for a year now and has firmly established the division of technical building equipment in the service portfolio of NV-EnerTech.With Severin Marquard joines now another family member and an expert in the field of automation technology.
“We will continue to expand our service offerings in the industrial automation sector and drive automation in the automotive, pharmaceutical and chemical industries as well as in the oil and gas industry. Our services in this area include taking over the hardware and software planning, the visualization and the commissioning “, explains Severin Marquard, who has taken over the department management for the field of automation technology.
The company was founded by CEO Volker Marquard back in 1987. Since then he has continuously expanded and developed the services of his company. “I am very pleased that two of my sons have now taken over important positions in our family business. As a result, we can significantly expand our offer and our services in the promising areas of technical building equipment and automation technology and optimally position our company, “sums up Volker Marquard.
Project KW Wählitz

The industrial power plant KW Wählitz has a natural circulation boiler (150 tons / hour) and circulating, atmospheric fluidized bed firing. Our team supports the project with an IB-Advisor for the commissioning of the silo and the associated ancillary facilities.
Technical details:
Thermal input 119 MW
Electrical power 37.4 MW
Live steam parameter pressure: 115 bar,
Temperature: 535 ° C
Efficiency of the total plant 38.5 percent
Efficiency steam generator 91 percent
Project KW Ghana

The NV-EnerTech team supports the KW Ghana project in the field of assembly and commissioning by using a Mechanical Feeld Engineer. Current Projects / References 👉https: //
Project KW Punta Catalina

The team of NV-EnerTech supports the KW Punta Catalina project through the use of an IB advisor. Current Projects / References 👉https: //